Optimists are always trying to see the bright side of things, the silver lining in every cloud, and the proverbial glass half full. However, when you're getting your butt handed to you by a fickle river that you have driven 4 hours to fish, it's hard to see the silver lining.... until someone yells from behind you asking if you have a cell phone, because someone just rolled their drift boat about a quarter mile upstream. Then, when you see the wet anglers being rowed to the take out by Search and Rescue, you realize things really could be worse for you, as well as the three anglers who just lost all of their gear and boat to the Green River.
The Green in February usually will recklessly give up her Browns and Bows to your tiny tandem midge presentations, but not today. The BOR has been double peaking the flows for the last 2 months. I can only think this has had an impact on fish behavior. The bugs were hatching, the weather perfect, but the Green made us work it. We managed a few, but not until we worked it, hard.
Wyatt, searching for answers...
Like I said, it could always be worse...