Monday, September 7, 2009

Rivers, Horses, and One Really Mad Kitty Kat

The last couple of weekends have been your typical go fishing, get a warning from a conservation officer, camping, and pet little itty bitty kitty cat type of outings. Below are a few shots from the last two weeks. Sorry, no fish porn.

Dude, you're like 20 feet away, do I really need to talk to you on the walkie talkie?

10 minutes before this picture was taken, Boomer fell down a cliff. No, really, a cliff! He started sliding and then did a back flip, slid down back first, and nailed a huge boulder at the bottom. By the time I got to him he had made it to the river to soak in the cold water. I always wonder what he's thinking. Right here he's thinking "I'm getting to old for this crap"

When skater dude meets fly fishing. Rooster showing the proper attire and facail expressions

There's a free candy bar to the first person that can post a reply and tell me what this is...

One week later, and he's still got the "fly-skate" look going....

....At least he can cast

River porn...

My buddy is rehabilitating a cougar for the DWR.....

....He likes horses....

He's doesn't like strangers...

I posted this because you can see the Virgin Mary in the flames

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