Sunday, November 20, 2011

Purple is the new Black

I've been wanting to post this up for a few weeks.  A couple of posts earlier I mentioned how purple is the latest rage in flies.  Below are some of the patterns that have been sticking fish in Northern Utah waters.  The Purple Peanut has been exceptional (Sweets witnessed its effectiveness on Saturday... but that's another post). PLEASE excuse the lousy photos, I am no macro photog.  If you'd like the recipe to any of these, cast an email to richsprague at yahoo.

Redneck pumpkin smashing.  Can you spot some of the steel shot? (upper right corner of the pumpkin)


Dustin's Fly Box said...

those pics are a lot better than I can do that close up. Really liking the purple peanut

mike doughty said...

i've been working on some purple shit as well.

Richard said...

Mike, I'd love to see some of the meat you throw in purple. Your articulated streamers are always top shelf.

Sanders said...

Good looking bugs! I might have to add a few of these to the box...cheers!